Video Enhancement

Maximize video quality using our forensic experience and advanced editing technology to remove darkness and static. Zoom into difficult images to create usable evidence.

AV Forensic increases video quality using a number of different editing techniques to remove negative properties from vital footage.

A majority of the video evidence we receive is in bad shape – bad shape meaning low light, poor visibility, unfocused, full of static, and a number of other detrimental qualities. Our goal is to erase these qualities one by one, leaving clean footage that is easy for a jury to watch and glean the facts of a case.

With a less noisy, cleaner video we can now focus on enhancing certain areas of interest in the video to clarify — if possible — what we see going on. Below is a list of techniques we commonly use in our Southern California Lab. 

  • Slow motion
  • Image extraction
  • Still images within moving footage
  • Sharpening
  • Curves
  • Resizing
  • Exposure and Contrast Adjustments
  • Color Balancing
  • Saturation
  • Highlighting
  • Digital Identity Masks (hide faces of those uninvolved in incident)
  • Image Stabilization
  • Suspect Identification

After video footage is optimized, we create an easy to use digital file that we can upload or give you on a flash drive. Our presence in court may also be requested to assist in both testifying and presenting evidence. Call our office now to get the ball rolling.

Read About Audio Editing