Security Surveillance Footage

Surveillance security videos frequently capture crimes in action. AV Forensic speeds up the justice process by improving footage clarity and creating a single timeline for multi-cam surveillance systems. 

AV Forensic receives surveillance videos from a variety of sources: police departments, business and apartment owners, banks, and public storage units, among others. We deal with highly sensitive material that is often central to criminal or civil investigations. Restoring this material to its highest possible clarity remains one of the most important roles AV Forensic consistently takes in aiding companies and individuals during the litigation process. 

Surveillance footage we work on at AV Forensic is sometimes directed towards identifying a suspect. Often this means more that simply editing evidence. Of course, we attempt to maximize the clarity of both audio and video files. It is our main concern to provide clear characteristics of an unlawful individual. However, in doing this, we also use professional forensic software to help determine the exact location an individual was standing, the dimensions of their body (height and body width), the position of their body in a 3D space, and possibly their speed of movement. We are capable of re-creating crime scenes, supplementing the surveillance footage provided with our own on-location photographs.

As our evidence techs edit, clients are invited into our lab to investigate footage. This is a two way process that allows the attorneys on a specific case to help guide the continuing work of our forensic video and audio experts. As an editing team, we remain flexible and listen to our client’s needs, always keeping focused on the bigger picture.

After footage is appropriately optimized, AV Forensic will package the evidence on a USB flash drive or email a link of the video file for direct download. For added support, a certified AV Forensic specialist can present this evidence in court, testify to the legitimacy of said material, and answer all judge and jury questions involving the gathering, enhancement, and visual optimization of the digital media.

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