Audio Filtering

We enhance audio with an ear for detail in our Los Angeles lab. We use multiple professional audio programs that turn unintelligible recordings into court worthy evidence. 

Audio recordings come to us as a number of different mediums. Whether the clip is connected to a video, or a stand-alone audio file, we approach the restoration process with a similar technique.

Audio clean up begins with filtering out what we call extraneous noise. Car horns, doorbells, gunshots, dog barks, motor vehicle noises, air conditioners, background conversations, etc. – these distract from what our clients are most often looking to make clearer: an individual voice, or conversation. In our professional studio we are able to significantly decrease, or completely erase the amount of noise in audio samples.

After removing distracting sounds from an audio recording, we then look to enhance the inaudible portions of evidence to improve clarity. By selectively increasing the volume and adding audio filters, we are able to produce a sound quality much higher, and more distinct. This is especially important for civil and criminal court cases dependent on verbal analysis and voice identification.  

Sometimes we receive multiple recording from the same event. In this circumstance we take the samples through our audio enhancement process, cleaning each digital file individually. Then, like a puzzle, we put it together, creating one collective audio sample.

Once an audio recording is optimized, we create audio files that are playable by any computer, car, or home stereo system in the world. In some cases, we put together a chart or diagram of an audio timeline to explain the progression of events, allowing a judge and/or jury to both hear and visualize evidence simultaneously. Call now and get the ball rolling.

Read About Video Enhancement