LAPD Being Sued Over Use, Compilation of ALPR Surveillance Data

According to Fox News, the LAPD is currently being sued in a joint lawsuit by the ACLU and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).  The lawsuit says that the LAPD has been using Automatic License Plate Readers, or ALPRs, to compile massive amounts of data on the travelling habits of the citizens of Los Angeles and that they are refusing to share this data.

EFF Staff Attorney Jennifer Lynch feels the public should have access to this data, seeing as law-abiding citizens are being tracked, recorded and monitored.  “By matching your car to a particular time, date and location – and building a database of that information over time – law enforcement can learn where you work and live, what doctor you go to, which religious services you attend, and who your friends are.”

We say at least let defense attorneys have access to the same information that the police have so they can have a fair shot at litigation.

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